Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Strange Phenomena - the Morrabio in Sicily

By yesterday morning it had been blowing 7-8 from the SE for almost 24 hours. It was wearing, and as I stepped onto the pontoon I noticed that the water was dirty and very turbulent - in fact there was a strong current swirling through the pontoons. As I looked S towards the control tower - see pic - I could see the water level dropping as I watched. In minutes it dropped a foot, and then started coming up again. This continued for most of the morning. I estimate that the amplitude was about 6" (12" trought to peak) with a period of 8-10 minutes. I believe the phenonmenon is called the Morrabio (spelling?), and occurs in certain pressure conditions between Pozzallo and Sciacca.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Afloat Again

It's been a long winter - grim in England and not brilliant in Sicily, but at least I'm back aboard now and the sun is warm. Plans haven't gelled yet for this summer, but I'm getting there.

Problems at sea are solved in many ways, but here's one that used a digger: